I have disassembled MIPS binary with raw opcodes. How to interpret, for example, these lines:
Disassembly of section .data:
00000000 <.data>:
... ...
f864: 30a5ffff sd ra,-23248(ra)
f868: 00804021 addi zero,t2,-32768
f86c: 10a00017 bnez t8,0xffff78b0
f870: 00004821 addi t0,t2,0
and these 3 lines:
25b8: 8c670000 syscall 0x19e
25bc: 8c680004 bltz zero,0x1c7f0
25c0: 8c690008 j 0x1a630
what mean data in each column?
Edit: The files are contents of memory (in hex) of SPI Flash regions, converted to binary form (.bin) use xxd -r
. The file
command determines the file type of file.bin as data
file type.
I tried transform binary into ELF:
mips-linux-gnu-objcopy -I binary -O elf32-little --rename-section .data=.text --change-address +0x80000000 file.bin file.elf
then to disassemble an ELF file:
mips-linux-gnu-objdump -m mips -D file.elf
, but there is no .text section produced in the output. I used commandmips-linux-gnu-objdump -D -b binary -m mips file.bin