Background: I am currently looking to make some diagnostic software interoperable with other software, but all communication that occurs in this software is encrypted with AES-128-CBC. A sample request is included below. The binary is also linked to at the bottom for those who wish to examine it.
"api-version": "1.0",
"mac-model": 69,
"action": 1,
"timestamp": 1517862344000,
"service-location": false,
"ksess": "X+syUFRBrn9ytyg0qDaG/+W7wN6MiuHyJzNuLj/y/vbjpeDJoZjAP65xTWiSLrgJJMCgAyoKc8Ss3oUjq1gRYeTz8oEjjUmU2ym+f6pwoVsrVJ+EtQ/WDnhENjdAjE2vNOuiD1v/ncSk/gk1AUiZwK8tpPPEytSv0R9XlVtVpg8KlK1SF66Vl2hRjovko9uqIxs98iymZ42iWkff39DQoclbngKTbLItUeXUbzwBI6thXkNiTYDmdm3SZUJrK6TS7ZoOxH/4eEJXDprf9pImEg7r0PmE4pPXSXSmuLVPAwHjWp0riVIVw0DGgQ4cfABmCh/oFxxl/Q5rzkvsKQuKeg==",
"hmac": "89FA90002E4FA47C83FAEF1AC378B51D5A1CD2DB",
"data": "MtN0XjxexXRb9GNh3pSJNW0jxvLZm45alwSbJ40fVXowOnKQpaD7Yc3exBCvmw1z//a+iQtOdpBV/NdHe78hj8oxQJ+4iBDsM6tv6PEB2OeNFJnKuQ5R0azq527npjMAuPWvZszotJkB7FBiF3YjbK6QPCBDURybanqUCJrO3Yao6+Qfa4P41VFbZab0FhoJ",
"data2": "xgffrf24+Poxd6iS+r7nC5KDD6s="
I have worked out how the AES key is generated, and have been able decrypt the encrypted data, except for the first block, which obviously uses the IV during encryption. The IV is generated based on the timestamp, I have included a picture of the disassembled function below:
From what I can tell, the function is basically doing this (Objective C):
double timestamp = 1517862344;
double t1 = timestamp * 1000.0;
uint64_t t2 = (uint64_t)timestamp;
NSData *data = [NSData dataWithBytes:&t2 length:16];
NSLog(@"%@", data);
Where the data logged is the hex string for the given integer. This is further backed up with the fact that if I decrypt the base64 encoded data
with the key (hex) 7286276c0adb764ff1926bde8a12cbe6 and IV 4055a56761010000000054557a167642 (output from the aforementioned Obj C code, as (128 AES CBC w/ PKCS7 padding) the resulting decrypted data is:
where the correct output would be:
Hence, my question is, given that the only data that is transmitted is that which is present in the sample request, and the decryption of the first block is partially successful, what have I misinterpreted in terms of generating the IV that enables one to properly decrypt the last part of the first block? A secondary question, if someone knows the answer, is why is it that the first block is successfully partially decrypted even when the IV is not completely correct?
Link to the binary: