I'm practicing windows disassembly on x64 notepad.exe
I've managed to find buffer allocation and string resources load.
But after that follows code, which I can't fully understand:
rbx = 0, rdx = 0 before this part
mov r9, cs:str_res_guid_18 ; dq 12h
lea rcx, some_data ; some address
mov edx, 28h
sub r9, rcx
mov r8, rdx
lea rax, [r8+7FFFFFD6h] ; what is this number?
cmp rax, rbp
jz short loc_100003173
movzx eax, word ptr [rcx+r9] ; str_res_guid_18
cmp ax, bp
jz short loc_100003173
mov [rcx], ax
add rcx, 2
sub r8, 1
jnz short loc_100003150
cmp r8, rbp
jz loc_1000058A0
What does 7FFFFFD6h stands for? And why is it compared against null?