The Radare book says

Use F7 or s to step into and F8 or S to step over current instruction.

But, I don't see it telling you how to do this with the d command. When I run d? I see

ds[?]                   Step, over, source line
dc[?]                   Continue execution

1 Answer 1


I did't find this to be too intuitive, but the answer is ds. Now it makes sense though: ds expands to a bunch of stuff,

[0x55673eccb5fa]> ds?
|Usage: ds Step commands
| ds               Step one instruction
| ds <num>         Step <num> instructions
| dsb              Step back one instruction
| dsf              Step until end of frame
| dsi <cond>       Continue until condition matches
| dsl              Step one source line
| dsl <num>        Step <num> source lines
| dso <num>        Step over <num> instructions
| dsp              Step into program (skip libs)
| dss <num>        Skip <num> step instructions
| dsu[?]<address>  Step until address
| dsui[r] <instr>  Step until an instruction that matches `instr`, use dsuir for regex match
| dsue <esil>      Step until esil expression matches
| dsuf <flag>      Step until pc == flag matching name

While really cool, there are a tons of ways to step and they're all organized under ds.

  • F7 is step into, or ds
  • F8 is step over, or dso

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