I am using IDAPython for my analysis. In IDA v6.95, the header file plugins/hexrays_sdk/include/hexrays.hpp defines the following:

typedef ctree_items_t parents_t;

parents_t parents;      ///< Vector of parents of the current item

/// Get parent of the current item as an expression
cexpr_t *parent_expr(void) { return (cexpr_t *)parents.back(); }

// Get parent of the current item as a statement
cinsn_t *parent_insn(void) { return (cinsn_t *)parents.back(); }

For my analysis, I am trying to walk up along the parents from a given cexpr_t node. parent_expr() and parent_insn() API gives me back the immediate parent, not the entire chain from the child to root of the AST.

As an alternative, I tried to traverse the parents vector once I visit the given cexpr_t node.

for parent in reversed(self.parents):
  print "|==> %s [%d]" % (hex(parent.ea), parent.op)

The problem is, the parent item thus returned is of type citem_t. If I cast those to cexpr_t as follows:

parent.__class__ = cexpr_t
print parent.x

and access any of its fields (e.g. x) in the example above, it throws error.

How can I traverse the AST nodes bottom-up yet retaining the correct types (cexpr_t or cinsn_t) of respective nodes? Is it possible to look into the code of parent_expr() or parent_insn() to see if how do those return correctly typed nodes from an ctree_items_t type vector (i.e. parents)? The code inside python/ida_hexrays.py seems to be mere SWIG stub, the actual implementation seems to lie somewhere else.

def parent_expr(self, *args):
    parent_expr(self) -> cexpr_t
    return _ida_hexrays.ctree_visitor_t_parent_expr(self, *args)

def parent_insn(self, *args):
    parent_insn(self) -> cinsn_t
    return _ida_hexrays.ctree_visitor_t_parent_insn(self, *args)

The actual code seems to be distributed as a shared library located at python/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/[ida32|ida64]/_ida_hexrays.so

1 Answer 1


I can solve part of your problem. Use the 'to_specific_type' attribute to convert a citem to a cexpr:

if citem.is_expr():
    cexpr = citem.to_specific_type

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