I wanto to capture and then process the USB data that is sent from a computer to a USB printer.
I know that there are several software sniffers like Wireshark that can do that. But I need a hardware solution that does the capture and sends the captured packets to another computer. But a Beagle is too expensive. And apart from that I need to process the captured data in my own code. It would not serve me to have a professional software that only shows me the captured packets on the screen.
A comercial solution would be possible if costs less than $200.
It could also be a PCI card that is designed to capture USB signals together with an API that allows me to access the captured data.
But it would be perfect if this would be possible with a cheap USB capable hardware like any of the Arduino flavors or a Teensy and an open source library. Some of these microcontrollers support to act like USB host and client. So I suppose that they have also the capabality to just listen to the packets that go over the cable.
But I could not find any libraries for that purpose. I found sourcecode for keyloggers via PS/2 but I could not find any similar project to capture USB.