I'm reverse engineering a piece of code that has hundreds of calls to a couple of functions I'm not exactly sure what they are doing but looks like standard library functions that do some byte reading?

They are as I currently call them read8 and read16 and show in IDA Pro as pseudocode:

int __cdecl read8(int a1)
  return *(_DWORD *)(a1 + 8);

int __cdecl read16(int a1)
  return *(_DWORD *)(a1 + 16);

So given a pointer a1 do they read a single DWORD positioned as the 8th and 16th DWORD after the initial address of a1?

1 Answer 1


So given a pointer a1 do they read a single DWORD positioned as the 8th and 16th DWORD after the initial address of a1?

No, they read a single DWORD positioned 8-bytes and 16-bytes (respectively) after the initial address of a1.

In C, this might look as follows:

typedef struct _S
    DWORD a;
    DWORD b;
    DWORD c;
    DWORD d;
    DWORD e;
} S;

S x;
DWORD c = read8(&x);
DWORD e = read16(&x);
  • I thought this was supposed to be pointer arithmetic where +8 means 8 memory allocation slots for a pointer instead of single byte positions? Commented Nov 6, 2015 at 16:13
  • What about the * before the first set of parenthesys, is that not dereferencing the contents in position +4 as an actual memory address and looking at that address instead to return? Commented Nov 6, 2015 at 16:41
  • In your decompilation, a1 is an int, and adding to an int doesn't take value type sizes into account. Further questions about interpreting C code should probably be posted to stackoverflow.com instead of here. Commented Nov 6, 2015 at 16:43

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