i have found the following code sequence in a sample which I try to analyze:
push offset LibFileName ; "KERNEL32.DLL"
call LoadLibraryA
mov esi, eax
test esi, esi
jz short loc_40EDF2
lea edx, [ebp+var_108]
mov eax, offset aUmehyJ ; "UmehyJ{j"
push eax ; lpProcName
push esi ; hModule
call GetProcAddress_0
So, I know what the combination of LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress does. But what I do not understand is the following line:
mov eax, offset aUmehyJ ; "UmehyJ{j"
I would say that the process name is somehow encrypted. I searched a little bit and read that XOR-encryption in combination with a loop is frequently used in malware. So, I let IDA PRO search all occurences of a XOR and try to locate of course those with a register-immediate combination, for example xor eax, 12h. But I could not find something like this.
After that, I have read that Base64 encoding is also used in malware. So, I type the string "UmehyJ{j" in a online Base64 decoder tool ( http://www.opinionatedgeek.com/dotnet/tools/base64decode/ ) but without success.
So, now I am at a point where I do not know how I should make the next steps. Because of that, I hope somebody can help me.
best regards,