During an analysis, I found the following piece of malware:
lea eax, [ebp+ThreadId]
push eax ;lpThreadId
push ebx ;dwCreationFlags
push [ebp+lpParameter] ;lpParameter
push [ebp+lpStartAddress] ;lpStartAddress
push ebx ;dwStackSize
push ebx ;lpThreadAttributes
push [ebp+hProcess] ;hProcess
call CreateRemoteThread
What I definitely know
From some previous parts, I know that
xor ebx, ebx -> ebx = NULL or zero
At the address pointed to by lpParameter
, the malware stores the address of LoadLibrary
. And hProcess
is a handle to explorer.exe
What I want to know
Related to lpStartAddress
, I have found the following lines:
push ebx
push [ebp+nSize]
push offset loc_402B58
push [ebp+lpStartAddress]
push [ebp+hProcess]
call WriteProcessMemory
So, this function writes the content of offset loc_402B58
into the region of pages started at lpStartAddress
(which was allocated some lines before).
Now, when I go to offset loc_402B58
, I see the following (note: I use IDA PRO):
push esi
mov esi, [esp+8]
lea eax, [esi+14h]
push eax
call dword ptr[esi]
test eax, eax
mov [esi+10h], eax
jz short loc_402B80
lea ecx, [esi+46h]
push ecx
push eax
call dword ptr [esi+4]
test eax, eax
jz short_loc402B80
call eax
push 0
call eax <----- edited because i have forgotten it
push 0 <----- ''
call dword ptr [esi+8] <----- ''
xor eax, eax
pop esi
retn 4
So my question would be:
What does the assembly at
call [esi]
which is the call to LoadLibrary(). However on line 3 it accesses the parameter + 0x14 and uses that as the DLL name that is passed to LoadLibrary.