I need a little help from you guys! At present, I'm working on an IDA Pro Database in order to create a patch for an executable, and I'm totally stuck on editing the following sub:
.text:008EC420 ; char __thiscall sub_8EC420(MyClass *this)
.text:008EC420 sub_8EC420 proc near
.text:008EC420 var_8 = dword ptr -8
.text:008EC420 var_4 = dword ptr -4
.text:008EC420 sub esp, 8
.text:008EC423 push ebx
.text:008EC424 mov ebx, ecx
.text:008EC426 cmp dword ptr [ebx+79954h], 0
.text:008EC42D mov [esp+0Ch+var_4], ebx
.text:008EC431 mov [esp+0Ch+var_8], 0
.text:008EC439 jle loc_8EC4F2
.text:008EC43F push ebp
.text:008EC440 push esi
.text:008EC441 push edi
.text:008EC442 lea edi, [ebx+114h]
.text:008EC448 jmp short loc_8EC450
.text:008EC44A align 10h
.text:008EC450 loc_8EC450:
.text:008EC450 lea eax, [edi-0Ch]
.text:008EC453 push eax
.text:008EC454 call sub_A00890
.text:008EC459 mov esi, eax
.text:008EC45B add esp, 4
.text:008EC45E cmp esi, 0FFFFFFFFh
.text:008EC461 jnz short loc_8EC472
.text:008EC463 mov dword ptr [edi], 0
.text:008EC469 mov dword ptr [edi-4], 0FFFFh
.text:008EC470 jmp short loc_8EC480
.text:008EC472 loc_8EC472:
.text:008EC472 push esi
.text:008EC473 call sub_A00870
.text:008EC478 add esp, 4
.text:008EC47B mov [edi], eax
.text:008EC47D mov [edi-4], esi
.text:008EC480 loc_8EC480:
.text:008EC480 xor ebp, ebp
.text:008EC482 cmp [edi+0ECh], ebp
.text:008EC488 jbe short loc_8EC4D2
.text:008EC48A lea esi, [edi+0BCh]
.text:008EC490 loc_8EC490:
.text:008EC490 lea ecx, [esi-0Ch]
.text:008EC493 push ecx
.text:008EC494 call sub_A00890
.text:008EC499 mov ebx, eax
.text:008EC49B add esp, 4
.text:008EC49E cmp ebx, 0FFFFFFFFh
.text:008EC4A1 jnz short loc_8EC4B2
.text:008EC4A3 mov dword ptr [esi], 0
.text:008EC4A9 mov dword ptr [esi-4], 0FFFFh
.text:008EC4B0 jmp short loc_8EC4C0
.text:008EC4B2 loc_8EC4B2:
.text:008EC4B2 push ebx
.text:008EC4B3 call sub_A00870
.text:008EC4B8 add esp, 4
.text:008EC4BB mov [esi], eax
.text:008EC4BD mov [esi-4], ebx
.text:008EC4C0 loc_8EC4C0:
.text:008EC4C0 add ebp, 1
.text:008EC4C3 add esi, 14h
.text:008EC4C6 cmp ebp, [edi+0ECh]
.text:008EC4CC jb short loc_8EC490
.text:008EC4CE mov ebx, [esp+18h+var_4]
.text:008EC4D2 loc_8EC4D2:
.text:008EC4D2 mov eax, [esp+18h+var_8]
.text:008EC4D6 add eax, 1
.text:008EC4D9 add edi, 3E4h
.text:008EC4DF cmp eax, [ebx+79954h]
.text:008EC4E5 mov [esp+18h+var_8], eax
.text:008EC4E9 jl loc_8EC450
.text:008EC4EF pop edi
.text:008EC4F0 pop esi
.text:008EC4F1 pop ebp
.text:008EC4F2 loc_8EC4F2:
.text:008EC4F2 mov al, 1
.text:008EC4F4 pop ebx
.text:008EC4F5 add esp, 8
.text:008EC4F8 retn
.text:008EC4F8 sub_8EC420 endp
The MyClass
entity looks like this:
struct MyClass // 502076 bytes
void *VFT; // 4 bytes
MyStruct Structs[500]; // 498000 bytes = sizeof(MyStruct)=996 * 500
// more data...
In order to allow MyClass
to parse and manage more MyStruct
instances, I enlarged the .data
segment of the executable by sizeof(MyStruct1)=996 * 1000 = 996000 bytes
and I appended a new MyStruct[1000]
at the end of it. Now, all what I need to do is to shift every memory pointer trying to access the MyClass.Structs
memory region to the MyStruct[1000]
memory region. Many modifications were pretty easy to achieve, but I really don't know how to deal with this one.
The method sub_8EC420
iterates through every MyStruct
instance in MyClass.Structs
getting a specific field and doing some operations with it:
char *v2 = &this->Structs[0].ValueAt272;
// offset = MyClass + 276 | MyClass->Structs + 272
// operations...
v2 += 996; // sizeof(MyStruct)
while ( ... );
In order to successfully redirect the memory pointer to the new MyStruct[1000]
array located at the end of the .data
segment, I must change the following instruction:
.text:008EC442 lea edi, [ebx+114h]
// offset = MyClass + 276 | MyClass->Structs + 272
// bytes = 8D BB 14 01 00 00
is the register that points to my MyClass
instance offset. But I can't transform it into this:
.text:008EC442 mov edi, 2DABF84h; nop;
Because, as you can see, just after, the EDI
register value is being used and this would lead to bad results:
.text:008EC450 lea eax, [edi-0Ch]
I also tried an edited LEA
approach but it's not producing good results either:
.text:008EC442 lea edi, [ebx+14A027Ch]
// offset = MyStruct[1000] (0x02DABE74) - MyClass Instance (0x190BD08) + 272
// bytes = 8D BB 7C 02 4A 01
On the top of that, inserting additional bytes to this sub completly breaks my IDA Pro database. So... how should I deal with this?