The problem turned out to be more complex and complex because Hex-Rays incorrectly restores the stack after calls of stdcall
functions from cdecl
.text:00403F2F 074 mov edx, gameScreenHeight
.text:00403F35 074 mov ecx, [eax]
.text:00403F37 **074** push 10h
.text:00403F39 078 push edx
.text:00403F3A 07C mov edx, gameScreenWidth
.text:00403F40 07C push edx
.text:00403F41 080 push eax
.text:00403F42 084 mov eax, [ecx+54h]
.text:00403F45 084 call eax
.text:00403F47 **070** test eax, eax
.text:00403F49 070 jz short loc_4
As a result, a function that takes 4 arguments gets only three:
Bad: lpDD->lpVtbl->SetDisplayMode(lpDD, gameScreenWidth, gameScreenHeight, 16, **a1**)
Good: lpDD->lpVtbl->SetDisplayMode(lpDD, gameScreenWidth, gameScreenHeight, 16)
As a result, the function may not use the register value, but only save and restore it, but due to the shifted pointer to the stack after the call, it is considered to be used in some problem call. This causes the entire call chain to be marked as using this register as an argument.
Worst of all, such a problem arises in branched functions, which have several exit points and in each of them the stack is balanced (000). I can't just change the stack pointer after an erroneous call. I must also find another call and balance the changes made. x.x
The original question: I need to detect and safely fix incorrectly recognized function signatures. How I can do that?
For example, this function saves game settings:
BOOL __thiscall sub_410640(HKEY this)
HKEY v1; // ecx
HKEY v2; // ecx
sub_431C00(this, "volumeMaster", *(_DWORD *)&phkResult);
sub_431C00(*(HKEY *)&g_volumeMusic, "volumeMusic", *(_DWORD *)&g_volumeMusic);
sub_431C00(v1, "volumeFX", *(_DWORD *)&g_volumeFX);
sub_431C00(v2, "volumeSpeech", *(_DWORD *)&g_volumeSpeech);
return sub_431C00(*(HKEY *)&dword_4A262C, "volumeMinimum", *(_DWORD *)&dword_4A262C);
.text:00410640 sub_410640 proc near ; CODE XREF: PlayVideo+50↑p
.text:00410640 ; sub_416910+1A6↓p
.text:00410640 000 mov eax, phkResult
.text:00410645 000 push eax ; Data
.text:00410646 004 push offset ValueName ; "volumeMaster"
.text:0041064B 008 call sub_431C00
.text:00410650 008 mov ecx, g_volumeMusic
.text:00410656 008 push ecx ; Data
.text:00410657 00C push offset aVolumemusic ; "volumeMusic"
.text:0041065C 010 call sub_431C00
.text:00410661 010 mov edx, g_volumeFX
.text:00410667 010 push edx ; Data
.text:00410668 014 push offset aVolumefx ; "volumeFX"
.text:0041066D 018 call sub_431C00
.text:00410672 018 mov eax, g_volumeSpeech
.text:00410677 018 push eax ; Data
.text:00410678 01C push offset aVolumespeech ; "volumeSpeech"
.text:0041067D 020 call sub_431C00
.text:00410682 020 mov ecx, dword_4A262C
.text:00410688 020 push ecx ; Data
.text:00410689 024 push offset aVolumeminimum ; "volumeMinimum"
.text:0041068E 028 call sub_431C00
.text:00410693 028 add esp, 28h
.text:00410696 000 retn
.text:00410696 sub_410640 endp
If we look at the function inside, we can see that the arguments passed through the registers are not used in any way.
In addition, it is obvious that calls to the same function should be uniform and the transfer of such arguments does not make any sense.
BOOL __usercall sub_431C00@<eax>(HKEY a1@<ecx>, LPCSTR lpValueName, ...)
LONG v3; // esi
HKEY phkResult; // [esp+0h] [ebp-4h]
va_list Data; // [esp+Ch] [ebp+8h]
va_start(Data, lpValueName);
phkResult = a1;
if ( RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SubKey, 0, 1u, &phkResult) )
return 0;
v3 = RegSetValueExA(phkResult, lpValueName, 0, 4u, (const BYTE *)Data, 4u);
return v3 == 0;
.text:00410600 sub_410600 proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_4073F0+2B0↑p
.text:00410600 ; WinMain(x,x,x,x)+5F4↓p ...
.text:00410600 arg_0 = dword ptr 4
.text:00410600 000 mov eax, [esp+arg_0]
.text:00410604 000 test eax, eax
.text:00410606 000 mov ecx, 1
.text:0041060B 000 mov dword_4AE978, ecx
.text:00410611 000 mov dword_4AF074, eax
.text:00410616 000 jz short locret_410632
.text:00410618 000 mov dword_4A267C, 69h
.text:00410622 000 mov dword_4AE920, 0
.text:0041062C 000 mov dword_4AF03C, ecx
.text:00410632 locret_410632: ; CODE XREF: sub_410600+16↑j
.text:00410632 000 retn
.text:00410632 sub_410600 endp
And now I need to adjust the declaration of these functions so that it corresponds to reality.
But two questions arise:
- How to understand what the problem is?
- How to make corrections safely so that one error in one function does not lead to unbalance of the stack and decompilation errors throughout the entire application database?
Expected result:
BOOL __usercall sub_431C00(LPCSTR lpValueName, _DWORD value);
sub_431C00("volumeMaster", *(_DWORD *)&phkResult);
sub_431C00("volumeMusic", *(_DWORD *)&g_volumeMusic);
sub_431C00("volumeFX", *(_DWORD *)&g_volumeFX);
sub_431C00("volumeSpeech", *(_DWORD *)&g_volumeSpeech);
Oh yeah, the funny thing is that in this case IDA correctly defines the function signature, but for some reason Hex-Rays blows the roof off:
IDA: int __cdecl sub_431C00(LPCSTR lpValueName, BYTE Data)
Hex-Rays: BOOL __usercall sub_431C00@<eax>(HKEY a1@<ecx>, LPCSTR lpValueName, ...)
?mov ecx, 1
what aboutecx
? The function uses two arguments from the stack.