I am learning how to use IDC Scripting,or IDAPython in IDA for Reversing binary.One day i face this problem:
You are given an array of random integer(4-byte integer) lies within the memory .The random number only be calculated while debugging .
The task is : extract each of those 4-byte integer from that array and put them into a new array,print the new array on console.
Arcording to what i have learned,IDA Hex-view present only 1 Hex Number in memory for each address.
For Example : at address 00791A00 contains an integer 1134,00791A04 contains an iteger 4567.In Hex-view it will be like this
00791A00 : 34
00791A01 : 11
00791A02 : 00
00791A03 : 00
00791A04 : 67
00791A05 : 45
00791A06 : 00
00791A07 : 00
Assuming the new array named "arr". So arr[0] = 0x1134,arr[1] = 0x4567. That's what i want! So,i'm wondering how can i do that with IDAPython,or IDC? The only thing i have known so far about IDC or IDAPython is writing a script to dump memory to a file.
Here is the Link from where i learned to dump memory: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42744445/how-in-ida-can-save-memory-dump-with-command-or-script
I would appreciate if someone could give me a hint or walk me through with basic ideas on how to solve this problem.