I'm trying to analyse a piece of malware and after finding the OEP I'm having trouble dumping the process.
Using LordPE (and IDA) I get an error saying "Couldn't grab process memory", I searched for this and resolved it by using the intellidump engine in LordPE. Although this produces an exe, the file doesn't have an icon. I also tried using OllyDump and get the error: "Unable to read memory of debugged process...". I tried to fix this by modifying memory segments in Olly, setting their access to 'full access' however I'm still getting the same error.
When I try to use ImpREC on the dump from LordPE, I get sometimes get another error with similar gist.
I'm guessing there's some kind of memory protection going on here but really have no idea what to do next. Any help would be much appreciated.