theThe notation is an access of array member.
withoutWithout more context deciphering hethe type of MLISTMList
would be a guess game.
could be int
,byte byte
,char char
,pointer pointer
, or some other complex type.
soSo for example it could be int MLIST[0x10] andint MList[0x10]
and accessing this with a variable expression "2* result"2* result
where value of result is "1" would yield every second membermember of the array.
v1 = MList[0x10} = {0,1,2,3,,,,16};
v1 = MLIST[0x10} =with {0,1,2,3,,,,16}; result = 1result = 1
so MLIST[2*result] = MLIST[2] = 2;
so v1MList[2*result] == MList[2] == 2;
and so v1
in this case would be 2.
fromFrom the looks of data MLISTMList
appears to be a structure so first you need to decipher the type and modify the data MLSITMList
before gurssingguessing the result of V1v1