Im a part of the iOSGods community, and they make lots of cheats, but they dont really do the best at teching other people how to do that.
Those people never reply to my help support topics on finding offsets, I dont understand how theypeople are finding the offsets and such., So iI want to know if theresthere's a simple and easy method of just "patching values"
IveI've been surfing the internet looking for VERY in depth tutorials on editing Assembly for ios apps, but it seems that either the tutorials are too difficult and vague, or are broken and old.
for example, how can iI patch this function so it returns true rather than false:
; bool __cdecl -[ScrollingListTradePortal everythingFree](ScrollingListTradePortal *self, SEL)
ADRP X8, #_OBJC_IVAR_$_ScrollingListTradePortal.everythingFree@PAGE ; bool everythingFree;
LDRSW X8, [X8,#_OBJC_IVAR_$_ScrollingListTradePortal.everythingFree@PAGEOFF] ; bool everythingFree;
LDRB W8, [X0,X8]
AND W0, W8, #1
; End of function -[ScrollingListTradePortal everythingFree]