Another option is Fireye's Windows-based Flare VM.
Unlike the Linux-based examples on this page, FlareVMFlare VM only provides an installer script, not the VM itself. Fortunately, you can get a free Windows VM straight from Microsoft.
Their GitHub page has the full (very long) list of tools; here is a snippet:
- flare-qdb
- scdbg
- OllyDbg + OllyDump + OllyDumpEx
- OllyDbg2 + OllyDumpEx
- x64dbg
- WinDbg + OllyDumpex + pykd
- RetDec
- Jd-gui and bytecode-viewer
- dnSpy
- VBDecompiler
- Py2ExeDecompiler
- IDA Free (5.0 & 7.0)
- Binary Ninja Demo
- Radare2 and Cutter