Those hex values could represent anything. Look for online convertersonline converters that convert hexadecimal to text (consider various formats), dec, etc. and see if the results make any sense. If not, then they could just be 100% obfuscated to not recover any sort of meaningful name.
Therefore, just make meaningful names yourself where you see repeated occurrences of names. For instance, look at how many times you see the value _0x26938d
(which I've changed to _0x26938d_CHANGE_ME
) appear below. Simply change all of those occurrences to your own name. You can apply a more meaningful name to them once you read through the code and/or execute it to understand its behavior.
var _0x22bc92 = function() {
var _0x26938d_CHANGE_ME = !![];
return function(_0x100751, _0x54d399) {
var _0x1a7790 = _0x26938d_CHANGE_ME ? function() {
if (_0x54d399) {
var _0x28145f = _0x54d399[_0x4734('0x0')](_0x100751, arguments);
_0x54d399 = null;
return _0x28145f;
} : function() {};
_0x26938d_CHANGE_ME = ![];
return _0x1a7790;